Residential - Family home
At CMOR we will advise and help you to find the mortgage that is the perfect fit for your circumstances. We will provide a personal service guiding you in what you need to prepare and gather in order to progress with an application. If our offering is appropriate we will work with you from inception to drawdown and beyond. We will also offer you advice on the type of protection that you will require for the mortgage and your family. We will get you the best deal available to us on the market.
At present for our personal mortgages we use Haven which is a subsidiary of AIB Bank. We will be expanding our offering in the near future and we will keep this information up to date on our website.
Residential/Commercial – Buy to let
If you want to purchase a Residential or Commercial Property to let we can help you with the finance through a mortgage with ICS (Dilosk). We will advise you in the best way to structure the finance and process the application through to drawdown. We will also advise you on any relevant protection that might suit your personal or business circumstances at this time.

Residential/Commercial – Self Administered Pension
Should you want to structure a property purchase through your pension for tax efficiency reasons we at CMOR Financial Services are well placed to advise and assist you with such a project. We use Newcourt Retiremet Fund Managers Limited as trustees for our Small Self Administered Pension Schemes and ICS (Dilosk) for the mortgage where relevant.
You can use Personal Retirement bonds, PRSA’s or Small Self Administered Pensions for the purchase of a property asset using a Trust company to facilitate same.
A property purchased through your pension allows you to gain a significant tax advantage. There is no income tax on the rental income and the capital growth does not incur capital gains tax once held within the pension structure.
There are certain restrictions on pension investments and these are regulated by the Revenue Commissioners and current pension legislation. All investments must be at arm’s length and be for the sole purpose of providing relevant benefits at retirement.
You can borrow within the pension to fund a property purchase. This is limited to 50% of the purchase price and to a maximum term of 15years or the Normal Retirement age of the scheme (if earlier). Interest only payments are not allowed.
The SSAPS can also be used to fund other pension products i.e. deposit accounts, stocks, multiple investment platforms, insured products etc.